
Introductions Are In Order! :D

I’m a young mommy with a beautiful daughter (a little over a year) and a son followed soon after but sadly he passed away in Decemeber 2014. He had Trisomy 13. It is certain that I will write all about our baby boy Wyatt. Currently, I am a part-time worker at Wendy’s and mostly a stay-at-home mom. My boyfriend is Charles, he is amazing and although our bundles of joy were a surprise (certainly not a mistake or accident) I know he is enjoying fatherhood just as much as I am enjoying motherhood.

I made this blog because I became inspired by seeing other blogs that mothers made. I was also inspired by my own thoughts, thinking about all that I have been through losing my second child and raising our daughter. I hope this blog will one day become what other blogs I’ve read by mothers became: funny, informative, and very relateable.

My name is Tamra by the way and welcome to my blog about finding myself as a mommy and a person.

My little family. <3 My little family. ❤

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